Enhancing Inclusion and Representation in Tech
Empowering Women
& Young Girls
The world of blockchain, a frontier of the digital age, is filled with opportunity, innovation, and promise. But despite its many breakthroughs, it was clear that one key element was missing. Diversity.
In this rapidly growing field, Black women are underrepresented, their potential untapped, their voices unheard. This realization led to the birth of a mission, a beacon of hope: Black Women In Blockchain. We are a tax-exempt nonprofit organization whose aim is not just to fill a gap, but to shatter the glass ceiling that has long limited the representation of Black women in this transformative industry.
Our vision goes beyond just increasing numbers. We envision a future where Black women are not just participants but leaders, innovators, and influencers in the blockchain industry and other emerging tech. A future where their voices are amplified and their ideas shape the direction of this evolving technology.
Our journey to this future is paved with robust initiatives focused on training, mentoring, networking, visibility programs, and access to capital. We believe in the immense potential that lies within each Black woman and we are committed to unlocking it.
Why this Matters
$469.49 B
Blockchain Market Size by 2030
Black Women Blockchain Devs
$19 B
Worldwide Blockchain Spending by 2024
We are champions of five critical United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals - gender equality, education, entrepreneurship, innovation and social inclusion. Each initiative we undertake contributes directly to these goals, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the blockchain industry.
Imagine a world where the blockchain industry is as diverse as the communities it serves. A world where Black women lead ground-breaking projects, pioneer new technological advancements, and drive social change. This is the world we are striving to create.

Through our work, we've seen incredible transformations. We've peeked the interest of blockchain and NFT among young black girls. We've seen women with no previous exposure to blockchain rise to become influential figures in the industry. We've witnessed the power of collaboration, as our network of Black women in blockchain has grown and strengthened. We've experienced the joy of watching bright ideas turn into innovative solutions, all thanks to the support and opportunities provided by our organization.
The story of Black Women In Blockchain is still being written. We invite you to be a part of this narrative, to contribute to this mission, and to join us in creating a future where Black women are at the forefront of the blockchain revolution. This is not just our story. This is a story of progress, of inclusion, of breaking barriers. And it's a story that needs you.